Dalhousie University
MATH 2002
Intermediate Calculus II
Course Information, Summer 2007
Updated list of homework problems for the course here
Midterm Solutions are here.
Updated formula sheet here.
General Information:
Instructor: Dr. O-Yeat Chan
E-mail address: math@oyeat.com
Course website: http://www.oyeat.com/courses/math2002/
Office: Chase 251
Office hours: By appointment
Office phone: 494-3896
Class hours: Monday to Thursday 1805-2045
Class meets at: Changed to DUNN 304
Text: James Stewart, Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 5th ed., Thomson Learning. ISBN 0-534-39321-7.
Important information about the course, as well as any updates, will be posted to the website.
Course Description:
MATH 2002 is the 4th course in the Dalhousie calculus sequence. In this class, we will discuss multiple integrals, vector calculus including Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and the Divergence Theorem, and cover some basic techniques in solving second-order differential equations. The material is based on chapters 15 to 17 of Stewart.
We will cover material from section 15.5 of the text until the end of the book. The topics include:
- Brief review of double integrals (15.1-15.4)
- Centroids, Moments, and Surface Area (15.5-15.6)
- Higher dimensional integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates (15.7-15.8)
- Change of variables (15.9)
- Intro to Vector Fields (16.1)
- Line Integrals (16.2-16.3)
- Green's Theorem, Grad, Div, and Curl (16.4-16.5)
- Parametric surfaces and surface integrals (16.6-16.7)
- Stokes' Theorem, Divergence Theorem (16.8-16.9)
- Second-order linear ODEs, Variation of parameters (17.1-17.2)
- Series solutions to ODEs (17.4)
Grading Policy:
The course grade will be determined as follows:
Quizzes | 15% |
Midterm | 35% |
Final exam | 50% |
Total | 100% |
Your final grade will be determined using the following grading scale (slightly modified from the default Faculty of Science conversion scheme):
Score | 90-100 | 85-89.9 | 80-84.9 | 76-79.9 | 72-75.9 | 68-71.9 | 65-67.9 | 62-64.9 | 58-61.9 | 50-57.9 | below 50 |
Grade | A+ | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D | F |
Homework will be assigned, but they are not to be handed in. Given the intensity of the course, it is extremely important for you to do the problems and practice the methods discussed in class. Come see me immediately if you have trouble with the assignments.
There will be a 20-minute quiz at the beginning of every other lecture on the material covered during the previous two days. More specifically, there will be quizzes on:
Tuesday July 31, Thursday August 2, Thursday August 9, and Tuesday August 14.
These quizzes will count towards 15% of your course grade. The lowest quiz mark will be dropped.
There will be a midterm worth 35%, to be given in class on Tuesday, August 7, after the Natal Day Holiday. There will be no make-up exams except in very exceptional cases.
The Final Exam:
The final examination will be worth 50\% of the course grade and will cover everything in the course. It will be held on the last day of class, Thursday, August 16. There will be no make-up exams except in very exceptional cases.
Getting Extra Help:
You are always welcome to stop by my office during the day or make an appointment to see me.
I can also be reached by e-mail at math@oyeat.com. I will try to respond to your questions within 24-48 hours.
Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities should register as quickly as possible at Student Accessibility Services if they want to receive academic accommodations. To do so please phone 494-2836, e-mail disabilities@dal.ca, or drop in at the Killam, G28.