Dalhousie University
MATH 2113 / CSCI 2113
Discrete Structures II
Course Information, Winter / Spring 2007

The Final Exam will be held on Tuesday April 10 at 7 pm in Dal Arena.

Note: You can find a (not necessarily complete) list of topics covered in the course here.
Note 2: You can find the lecture notes for Jan 5 and Jan 8 here.
Go here for a text on generating functions.

General Information:

Instructor: Dr. O-Yeat Chan
E-mail address: math@oyeat.com
Course website: http://www.oyeat.com/courses/math2113/
Office: Chase 251
Office hours: Wednesday and Thursday 1300-1500, or by appointment
Office phone: 494-3896
Class hours: MWF 1135-1225
Class meets at: LSC 244
Text: Susanna S. Epp, Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 3rd ed. Thomson Learning.
Herbert S. Wilf, Generatingfunctionology, 2nd ed. Available here

Important information about the course, as well as any updates, will be posted to the website.

Course Description:

MATH/CSCI 2113 is the second half of the Discrete Structures sequence. This course provides an introduction to combinatorics. In particular, we will cover some basic counting arguments, combinatorial and analytic proofs for binomial identities, elementary probability related to counting, and basic graph theory. It is assumed that you have a firm understanding of mathematical induction and recursion.


We will cover the following topics in this course For a more detailed list, click here.

Grading Policy:

The course grade will be determined as follows:
Homework 15%
Midterms 20% x 2
Final exam 45%
Total 100%

Your final grade will be determined using the following grading scale (slightly modified from the default Faculty of Science conversion scheme):
Score 90-100 85-89.9 80-84.9 76-79.9 72-75.9 68-71.9 65-67.9 62-64.9 58-61.950-57.9 below 50
Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C-D F


The homework will be worth 15% of the course grade. Since the best way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics, it is imperative that you do the homework. Generally, late homework is not accepted, unless you can give me a good reason. You are encouraged to work together on the homework problems, but you must write up your own solutions. Solutions that are clearly copied will result in a mark of zero for all parties concerned.

Homework 1 is due Friday, January 19 at the beginning of lecture. Solutions
Homework 2 is due Monday, February 5 at the beginning of lecture. Solutions
Homework 3 is due Friday, March 2 at the beginning of lecture. Solutions
Homework 4 is due Monday, March 12 at the beginning of lecture. Solutions
Homework 5 is due Friday, March 30 at the beginning of lecture. Solutions


There will be two midterm exams worth 20% each, to be given in class some time in February and March. The specific dates are to be announced. If your final exam score is higher than your lowest midterm score, I will replace the midterm score with your final exam score. (That is, if you do better on the final than the worse of your midterms, that midterm will be dropped and the final will count for 65% of the course grade.)

Midterm 1 is on Monday, February 12. Solutions
Midterm 2 is on Friday, March 16. Solutions

The Final Exam:

The final examination will be on Tuesday, April 10 at 7 pm in Dal Arena. The official schedule is posted at http://www.registrar.dal.ca/exam/. Only in very exceptional situations can we give make-up exams.

Getting Extra Help:

The first place to get help is from your fellow classmates. Set up homework and study groups. Remember that a good benchmark for whether you truly understand something is whether or not you can explain it to someone else.

You are always welcome to come ask questions during office hours. If there's any topic that I didn't explain very well in class, or if there's a homework problem that you're stuck on, feel free to stop by.

I can also be reached by e-mail at math@oyeat.com. I will try to respond to your questions within 24--48 hours.

Students with Disabilities:

Students with disabilities should register as quickly as possible at Student Accessibility Services if they want to receive academic accommodations. To do so please phone 494-2836, e-mail disabilities@dal.ca, or drop in at the Killam, G28.